
  • To represent their Regional Council as a member of the VICSESVA board, with applicable voting rights on behalf their Regional Council


  • To ensure Regional Council members are kept informed in a timely and efficient manner of relevant issues.
  • To be responsible for meeting announcements, agendas and minutes.

Vice President

  • To support the President and act as President as required.


  • To ensure that VICSESVA Regional Council is governed well and to oversee its proper functioning.
  • To liaise with VICSES regional staff on issues relevant to VICSESVA Regional Council members.

Council Members

  • To uphold the values and objectives of VICSESVA.
  • To devote adequate time and energy to the duties of being a VICSESVA Regional Council Member.
  • To act with integrity and avoid, or declare, personal conflicts of interest.
  • To represent the views, and address issues of concern, from VICSES members from their respective region.
  • To observe the team behaviours adapted from the SES values and behaviours (below)